
atom, molecule, nucleus-1776792.jpg

Atom:-Imagine you have a tiny, invisible building block. This special block is so small that you can’t see it with your eyes. Scientists call this tiny thing an “atom.” Atoms are the basic building blocks of everything around us, like toys, trees, and even you!

Now, each atom is like a tiny universe of its own. It has even smaller parts inside called “protons,” “neutrons,” and “electrons.” Think of protons and neutrons as the core or center of the atom, like the nucleus of a soccer ball. Electrons zoom around the nucleus like little planets around the sun. Different types of atoms make up everything in the world. For example, the atoms in water are different from the atoms in air. Scientists have special names for each type of atom, like hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon.

When atoms combine, they create amazing things. Imagine you have different types of building blocks, and you can stack them in countless ways to build various toys and structures. Atoms do the same thing, creating all the different things we see and touch every day!